Monday, May 11, 2015

Jerusalem Seminar

Last Wednesday and Thursday, the Workshoppers were in Jerusalem in a seminar, focusing on visions and conflict within the the state of Israel. On Wednesday, they met with Yehoshua Weinstein, a member of the Haredi community in Jerusalem who works with educational institutions outside of the Haredi community. Afterwards, they met with Anat Hoffman, founder of Women of the Wall.

Anat Hoffman speaking about issues of religious authority with a Jewish state, particularly around non-Orthodox expressions of Judaism. You can read more about Women of the Wall here.

Wednesday finished with a siyur (tour) of East Jerusalem, including the separation barrier, with Ilan Brandvain, former Tavornik and currently a tour guide in Israel. 

Thursday morning began with a meeting with two members of the Parents' Circle Families Forum, an organization bringing together the families of victims of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on both sides. The Workshoppers listened to the story of a Palestinian who lost her husband, and an Israeli man who lost his daughter, and then learned about the reconciliation and education work done by the organization. You can read more about them here

Rami, our guest speaker from the Parents' Circle, with Tom.

Wednesday continued with a siyur in the Old City of Jerusalem, discussing the history of Jerusalem and it's place as the center of Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Above, overlooking the Mount of Olives from the edges of the Old City.

At the Cardo (Roman market) in the Old City. 

Overlooking the Dome of the Rock and the Kotel in the Old City. 

The seminar finished with a panel session with activists from Jerusalem. Overall, the two days gave the Workshoppers a chance to explore the history of Jerusalem and discuss some of the major conflicts present in the city today, while shaping their own visions for Jerusalem and the state of Israel. 

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